A short preview of Google Gadgets for Linux

About a year ago, Google released their desktop search called Google desktop for Linux. Since then they released some updates to Google Desktop adding support for 64 bit and more file fomats, but they left out one big feature of its Windows and Mac counterparts: Gadgets, mini-applications written in HTML and JavaScript. Today Google released …

Ubuntu Magazine is looking for contributors

“Full circle” is the name of a new e-magazine that covers topics about or closely related to Ubuntu. The name comes from the name of the logo, which depicts a circle that contains elements of all major Ubuntu derivatives, namely Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu. The Magazine is yet to have its first issue and right …

Get free Ubuntu stickers

System76 offers Desktops and Laptops preinstalled with Ubuntu. That alone is great, but they also have something for all those people who already have a computer and are happy with it: free “Powered by: Ubuntu” stickers All you have to do is send a self-addressed stamped envelope to one of the addresses on their list. …