Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (7.04) released, starting the wait for Gutsy Gibbon

The new Ubuntu release is finally here. Check out the tour to evaluate whether you want to install or upgrade to this release (hint: you want to). The first thing you want is probably to download a CD image of Feisty Fawn. Before installing however, you should read the release notes to avoid or be …

My Feisty regressions, what are yours?

I’m currently running the development version of Ubuntu, codenamed Feisty. The final version was planned to be released on April 19th, but this might change since the RC has already been postponed. There seems to be no official announcement what exactly causes the delay, but I have some ideas, because there are some problems I’m …

Performance tip for Feisty and Edgy

I found this tip on the Ubuntu Forums and think it’s worth sharing. Open up the file /etc/hosts with root privileges, e.g. by typing sudo gedit /etc/hosts The file will look like this (instead of hostname it will include your host name): localhost hostname Now add you host name to the first line …

Proprietary drivers in Feisty: not by default but easy to activate

The use of proprietary drivers is quite controversial in the Linux community. Some argue that they have to be included to make Linux competetive, others warn that they compromise what Linux as free software stands for in the first place. Some popular distributions, for example Fedora and openSUSE decided to boycott proprietary drivers by not …

Manage your software packages offline with APTonCD

Most Ubuntu users will value package management as one of the top features of their OS. Installing and updating software with APT/dpkg and their respective graphical user interfaces (i.e. Synaptic, Update manager and gdebi) is a breeze once you are accustomed to it. However, the ease of use is dependent on the internet connection. If …

Update on the new Gnome volume control

The Gnome volume control widget has changed again in the current Gnome development version. It now uses an icon from the current theme (Tango in my case) and features subtle changes in the general appearance. In short: It doesn’t look like the one from Mac OS anymore. Of course I prepared a little preview again: …

PowerPC support to become unofficial with Feisty

The Ubuntu Technical Board announced that the PowerPC architecture will be reclassified as unofficial with Ubuntu Feisty. The cause for this decision is obviously the declining number of PowerPC based computer systems after Apple switched to Intel processors. Older releases will still be supported within their whole life cycle, which ends as late as 2011 …

Proprietary video drivers not default in Feisty

The Techincal Board of Ubuntu announced that Ubuntu Feisty won’t come with proprietary video drivers by default. However, there will be an easy (graphical) way for the user to enable them if he wishes to do so. This decision has been made since Feisty won’t include either Compiz or Beryl by default and therefore the …

Ubuntu and Linspire announce partnership

Canonical (the company behing Ubuntu) and Linspire announced a formal partnership today. The press release confirms that Ubuntu will be the first distribution to be supported by the previously announced CNR service. This service will provide an easy and convenient way to install software, including proprietary products like support for DVD playback. Right now there …